Now registering for
the 2024-2025 school year!
Tuition and Other Fees
Morning Primary Program
(under age 5) 8:15-11:45
Monthly: $550 Yearly: $5500
Full Day Primary Program
(3–4-year-old) 8:15-3:00
Monthly: $650 Yearly: $6500
Extended Day Primary Program
(5 yr. old) 8:15-3:00
Monthly: $650 Yearly: $6500
Aside from the tuition fee there is a nonrefundable registration fee of $350 due at the time of enrollment. Tuition prices listed above are for the Desert Bloom school year, August through May. Parents can choose to pay tuition in ten installments, two installments, or a one-time total payment.
After School Care:
3:00-3:30 $60 per month
3:00-4:00 $100 per month
3:00-4:30 $135 per month
The above after-school rates are for the pre-pay monthly after-school program subscription. If not subscribed to the monthly after-school plan or if exceeding the subscribed times, the rate of $8/hour applies for any time exceeding the expected pick up time.
“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings
of independence” - Maria Montessori
Family Discounts
5% for each additional sibling
10% for families with 3 or more children
Full tuition payment 3%
*Only one discount per family
We have rolling enrollment, which means that your child or children can apply and join Desert Bloom at any time during the school year.
If there are no openings available for your child, you will be offered a place in our waiting list. When a place becomes available, you will be notified and asked to fill all the enrollment forms and make the required payments within a week from notification. If we do not hear from you after this period of time, we will understand that you are no longer interested in a place for your child, and we will remove your child's name from the waiting list.
All fees and forms are required to be paid and submitted at the time of the child's enrollment in our school.
Vision Statement
To promote a flourishing intellectual, spiritual, emotional and social learning culture in which children prepare for their role in creating healthier, harmonious, and sustainable societies
Pre-Enrollment Information
Please complete the following Pre-Enrollment form and we will contact you promptly to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your interest in Desert Bloom Montessori. We look forward to meeting you.